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Ballet - and Then?

Ballett - und dann?

Here you find portrait photos of the former ballet dancers which I have interviewed for my book. If you click on the photos, a new page opens itself.

On this new page you then find information about the person and photos from their ballet time. From the photo page which opens on mouse click you reach a link back on this overview page

AngelikaAngelika AnnaAnna AnnetteAnnette ChristineChristine ClaudiaClaudia
Debby und GlennDebby und Glenn DorisDoris ElaineElaine Frank Frank FraukeFrauke
GünterGünter GregoryGregory Heide-MarieHeide-Marie HeidrunHeidrun LianeLiane
LisaLisa MarekMarek MichaelMichael RaymondRaymond ReginaRegina
RichardRichard SabineSabine SophieSophie ThomasThomas VeronikaVeronika